Blog post

Get Out of a Communication Chaos With Agile Work Management

Published On: 25. 3. 2020

Nowadays, many companies employ people working from home office and cooperating with their professional team fully remotely. Often, especially non-IT firms, do not have the proper centralized task tracking systems. They suffer with communication chaos. The information is lost in emails, spreadsheets, papers and systems specific to their business area. The responsibility is often not clearly defined, and the communication is typically held by calls, messages, chatting platforms, and other channels.

To tackle these challenges, COPS Financial Systems in cooperation with company Deerio would like to offer, without charge, a strategy session* to present a centralized task tracking system and agile work management!

We believe that especially in this current situation, when many people must work remotely, it is extremely important to bring order out of this chaos. The workload can be broken down into separate tasks and thus build a basis for the proper collaboration, planning, prioritization, and automation of work, and a ground for gaining an overview of who does what, and why.

We all are on the edge because of what is happening around the world, however, we are ready to team up with you to embark on your journey towards digital transformation which may be paid-off now and rewarded long-term.

Although we try to help as much as we can, we reserve a right to refuse the consultation.

TEAM COPS Financial Systems & Deerio

* due to capacity reasons this offer is limited for a maximum of 20 companies