
Digitalizace a automatizace obchodních procesů [workshop]

Published On: 16. 12. 2024
Kategorie: Business

As a part of the IT for Finance conference, in addition to our talk about agility, we also prepared a workshop on „Digitization and automation of business processes“. Our workshop will take place on November 20 from 10:00 and, like the previous series of lectures within the conference, will be held online via Teams.

In 60 minutes you will learn what role processes play these days (especially in the field of finance), how they can be implemented and automated in the company, as well as how to model them using BPMN. The workshop will be guided by Ondřej Dvořák, CEO of COPS Financial Systems, and Marek Skotnica, an expert on business process modeling and CEO of Deerio.

You can find more about how to register for the workshop on the Cafin website. We look forward to seeing all of you there!